Edward Mirabell is the most
admirable character in the play. He is the ideal Restoration beau, a
combination of the cynical and the gracious. He has the vices and the virtues
of his kind. In his day, he has been a successful woman-chaser. As a cover for
an affair, he cynically arranged for the marriage of his mistress to a man
presumably his friend. He cynically flattered Lady Wishfort, for whom he feels
contemptuous amusement. He devises a plot that would blackmail Lady Wishfort
into consenting to her ward's marriage; it would also humiliate her grossly.
And he has no faith in his assistants in his plot; before Waitwell can
masquerade and woo Lady Wishfort, he makes certain that Waitwell be married,
for he "would not tempt [his] servant to betray [him] by trusting him too
far." It is easy to see why he would trust very few people; he has only to
consider how he would act under similar circumstances. He can anticipate
treachery on Waitwell's part. He can distrust Fainall and forestall his
villainy to protect Mrs. Fainall's future.
Yet the character is made
acceptable even from the point of view of a generation that disapproves.
Mirabell handles the situation with dignity and the style of his period. The
irony in his comments on other people reveals his common sense; his judgment of
Fainall is ruthless, but it is clear-eyed. The comments on young Witwoud are
shrewd and accurate, and it is worth observing that he directs little irony
against Sir Wilfull Witwoud. On the other hand, his ironic self-criticism leads
him to realize that he is indeed in love with Millamant.
In the play, we are most interested
in Mirabell as lover. He never loses his control, despite provocation, in his
affair with Millamant. He laughs at himself--but his speech indicates the depth
of his feeling. He accepts Millamant's mischievous mistreatment with some
resentment, but he still manages to remain the polished courtier. Even though
he loves her, he does not lose sight of the importance of her money.
His love must be seen within the
context of the play. Neither he nor Millamant can sink into any sentimental act
or mood. The depth and sincerity of the emotion must be conveyed by the manner
which is a necessary part of the ideal gentleman. He is in love--but he is
still the completely accomplished gallant.
admirable character in the play. The country bumpkin, as butt of the city wit,
is a traditional character type in comedy. Like other characters in the play,
Sir Wilfull does not quite conform to type. He is shown as having country
manners: he calls for slippers; he drinks too heavily; he is very shy with
Millamant, awed by the city lady. However, his intention to tour Europe even
though he is well beyond the usual age for the grand tour is an odd
characteristic, not observable in the type. He is justifiably angry in his
encounter with his brother. His attitude in other matters suggests a sensible
person; he certainly does not wish to marry Millamant if she does not choose;
he obviously likes Mirabell, presumably a sign of good judgment, and gladly
helps to foil Fainall.