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Assignment on Materials Evaluation, Materials development, Materials adaptation IPA Course for English Language Classroom

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Assignment on Materials Evaluation

Three ways of turning your course design into actual teaching materials:

 a. Select from existing materials: materials evaluation

b. Write your own materials: materials development

c. Modify existing materials: materials adaptation

Why Evaluate Materials?

To avoid the reduplication of materials.

Evaluation is basically a matching process: matching needs to available solutions.

An ESP textbook has to suit a number of parties; teachers, students and sponsors.

To examine whether the materials fulfill the prescribed course

To examine the extent to which materials permit students to achieve learning objectives.

To identify whether the designs of the materials are suitable for a syllabus.

To provide one with a good theoretical base for writing another material, which is an improvement on the former.

We can define the evaluation process into four major steps:

1)Define Criteria

**On what bases will you judge materials?


Subjective Analysis

Objective Analysis










1A: Who are my learners?

-ages (19-30)

-sex (male & female)

-Nationality (Bangladeshi)

-Study of work (Marketing Executive, Banking etc.)

-status/role (Quotation, trainee cashier)

-Knowledge of

i) English

ii) Bengali

-Educational Background (HSC, Diploma etc.)

-Interests ( estimating demands of products, using data from marketing research studies. Math skills, Interpersonal Communication)

1B: Who is the materials intended for?

Ans: Teacher & Students

2A What are the aims of course

Ans: The aim of all our language courses is to enable you to improve both your ability to communicate and your linguistic competence in the chosen language. A balance of receptive (reading, listening) and productive (speaking, writing) skills are developed through communicative classes and selfstudy

2B What are the aims of the materials?

Ans: 1) For Teachers to deliver instructions

2) for students learning and increase student success

3) to support student learning

3A What kind of language description do you require? Should it be structural, notional, functional, discourse based, some other kind, a combination of one or more these?

Ans: For a marketing personnel it should be structural & notional based. These help him/her to improve all of criteria he/she wants to upgrade in communication.

3B What types of linguistic description is/are used in the material?

·         Ans: Experimental phonetics,Descriptive phonetics,Phonology,Morphology,Syntax.

·         Semanics and pragmatics.(etc.)


4A What language points should be covered?

Ans: For Structural:

·         effective openings.

·         headings and subheadings.

·         focus and focus shifts.

·         contrast and pace.

·         time and place.

·         repetition and patterns.

·         paragraph and sentence lengths.

·         effective conclusions.

·         For notional:

·         If the topic is cloth then it should be making request

·         If the topic is travel/accomodation then it should be Future time Predicting suggesting

·         If the topic is Professions Activities Equipment then it should be Requesting information Describing activity

·         And so more.




4B What language points do material cover?

Ans: It’s structural, functions, vocabulary areas, notional, discourse-based etc.

5A What proportion of work on each macro-skill desired?  Should there be skills integrated work?

·         Ans: for reading:

·         Always Make Special Time to Read. ...

·         Read the Right Books. ...

·         Ask Yourself Questions While Reading and After Reading. ...

·         Improve Fluency First. ...

·         Once You've Learned to Speed Up, Slow Down! ...

·         Ask Lots of Questions. ...

·         Read It Again. ...

·         Read Many Kinds of Texts

·         And yes some of them are skills integrated work.


5B What is the proportion of work on each skill? Is there skills-integrated work?

Ans: we can assemble them as example of reading:

  • Always Make Special Time to Read. ...
  • Read the Right Books. ...
  • Ask Yourself Questions While Reading and After Reading. ...
  • Improve Fluency First. ...
  • Once You've Learned to Speed Up, Slow Down! ...
  • Ask Lots of Questions. ...
  • Read It Again. ...
  • Read Many Kinds of Texts
  • And yes some of them are skills integrated work.



6A What micro-skills do you need?

Ans: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking

6B What micro-skills are covered in the material?

Ans: Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling

7A What text-type should be included?

Ans:  The text should have manuals, phonetic letters to learn, some dialogue exersize, some contents to make experimental reports, many many visual subject like pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs, cartoons etc. The text should include some listening practitioner materials too.

7B What kinds of texts are there in the materials?

Ans: the text we read it has manuals, phonetic letters to learn, some dialogue exersize, some contents to make experimental reports, many many visual subject like pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs, cartoons etc. The text also includes some listening practitioner materials too.

8A What subject-matter area is required?

Ans: Of course subject-matter area is required. If I learn it for medicine I need one kind of language learning, if I learn it for biology I need another kind of language learning.


What level of knowledge should be assumed?

Ans: Minimum secondary school knowledge should be assumed.


What types of topics are needed?

Ans: If it’s medical then the topic have to be like hospital organization, medical technology etc.

What treatment should the topics be given?

Ans: Straightforward, factual, human interest angle, humorous, unusual perspective, taking into account issues, controversary treatment should the topics be given.

8B What is/are the subject-matter area(s), assumed level of knowledge, and types of topics in the materials?

Ans: Subject matter areas are like medicine, biology, chemistry etc. assumed level of knowledge is how much level of knowledge do I need to do this course. Types of topics in the materials are Straightforward, factual, human interest angle, humorous, unusual perspective, taking into account issues etc.




What treatment are the topics given?

Ans: If the topic is about human interest then The topic gives us the treatment of a huge communicative idea of an area’s people.

9A How should the content be organized throughout the course?

Ans: The content should be organized by subject matters with linguistic points throughout the entire course.

9B How is the content organised throughout the materials?

Ans: The content organized throughout the material in step by step.

10A How should the content be organized within the course units?

Ans: The content should be organized to allow a clear focus on certain skill areas with communication task in a variety of patterns within the course units.

10B How is the content organized within the units?

Ans: The content should be organized for students to allow a clear focus on certain skill areas with communication task in a variety of patterns within the course units.

11A How should the content be sequenced throughout the course?

Ans: There should be an obvious sequence like from easier to more difficult also with a great effort in communicative skills.

11B How is the content sequenced throughout the book?

Ans: The content sequenced throughout the book by basic components first then it goes deep to deeper level to enrich student’s depth of knowledge.

12A How should the content be sequenced within a unit?

Ans: The content should be sequenced by accuracy to fluency within a unit.

12B How is the content sequenced within a unit?

Ans: The content sequenced within a unit by accuracy to fluency.


13A What theories of learning should the course be based on?

Ans: Learning should be based on behaviorism, mentalism, cognitive code and also with the affective factor.

13B What theories of learning are the materials based on?

Ans: Materials based on the theories of learning are

1.       Habit of learning (learn from every step you need to do every day)

2.       Mentalism or thinking as rule governed activity

3.       Cognitive code or learner as thinking beings

4.       The effective factor or learner as affective beings

14A What aspects of the learner’s attitudes to/expectations about learning English should the course take into account?

Ans: “If learner’s do good they could get a job” this kinds of expectations about learning English should the course take into account.

14B What attitudes to/expectations about learning English are the materials based on?

Ans: Audience: Age groups and English Proficiency levels

Skills: Basics such as vocabulary and spelling to more advanced skills like language awareness and critical thinking.

Type of content: Books, Articles, Websites, Interactive media and more.

Theme: Typical themes and subject such as art, technology, civic education and more.

15A What kinds of exercises/tasks are needed?




-language/skills practice

-many possible right answers


15B What kinds of exercises/tasks are included in the materials?


A guided exercise which is comprehensive or productive and it has to be language/skills practice worked by a group.

16A What teaching-learning techniques are to be used?

Ans: Small-group work could be useful here. Teacher will give some assignment to do. Then student categorized them in small groups to work and submit.

16B What teaching-learning techniques can be used with the materials ?

Ans: the small group work techniques can be used with the materials. Weak and strong student pairing could be more helpful for both of them. One can teach and other can learn easily.

17A What aids are available for use?

Ans: Overhead Projectors.

17B What aids do the materials require?

Ans: Overhead projectors, Wallcharts, video etc.

18A What guidance/support for teaching the course will be needed?

Ans: Statement of aims, lists of vocabulary and language-skill points, language guidance, technical information, methodological directive will be needed for teaching the course.

18B What guidance do the materials provide?

Ans: Statement of aims, lists of vocabulary and language-skill points, language guidance, technical information, methodological directive guidance are the materials provide.

19A How flexible do the materials need to be?

Ans: Materials need to be that flexible which could help teachers and students teach and learn.

19B In what ways are the materials flexible?

Ans: Materials would be flexible if they begun in different points where they exactly needed and also if they linked to each other in an understandable way.



20A What price range is necessary?

Ans: The range that could be affordable by different classes of students.

20B What is the price?

Ans: The price range should be not less than loss project but not more than overarated.

21A When and in what quantities should the materials be available?

Ans: The materials should be available exactly when it needed and the quantities should be in a perfect amount for the perfect environment.

21B When and how readily can the materials be obtained?

Ans: The materials can be readily obtained when it needs and the way we should get it.



Conclusion: In this chapter we have looked at materials evaluation as one way of exploiting a course design. Even if we eventually decide to write our own materials, the evaluation of existing materials can provide a good source of ideas (of what to avoid as well as  what to do) and techniques.

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