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short note of Jane Bennet

 Short note:

Jane Bennet:

The oldest Bennet sister is Elizabeth's best friend and hopelessly in love with Charles Bingley—although she'd never admit it. She's also almost painfully naïve, someone who, as Lizzy says, "never see[s] a fault in anyone" (4.7). If this were a Disney musical, she'd be singing over her dust mops.

When Lizzy insists that Miss Bingley is trying to separate her from Mr. Bingley, Jane "shook her head" (21.17); when she finally realizes that it's true, she says, "I do not at all comprehend her reason for wishing to be intimate with me; but if the same circumstances were to happen again, I am sure I should be deceived again" (26.26); when the sisters talk about how Wickham's rich girlfriend Mary King broke up with him, Jane just says, "I hope there is no strong attachment on either side" (39.13).

We get the picture. She's all wide-eyed innocence and good nature, and if she weren't so sweet we'd probably find her kind of irritating. As Mr. Darcy says, she "smile[s] too much" (4.16). Of course, the problem with smiling at everyone is that it's hard to tell when you actually like someone. And that's just Jane's problem.

The problem is, Jane is behaving exactly as she's supposed to. Women weren't supposed to show their interest; they were basically supposed to wait for men to propose and only then decide that they were actually in love. By being open and friendly and not distinguishing Bingley, Jane is protecting her reputation and the reputation of her family—unlike some other girls, ahem, Lydia.

Ordinarily, all these good qualities—being calm, sweet, friendly, not flirtatious—would make Jane the big winner. Instead, she almost loses everything. Austen isn't too keen on the good-quiet-understanding model of female behavior. Jane is nice and all, but imagine if she were the main character instead of Elizabeth. Total snooze Ville. Not only that, but it turns out that there is such a thing as being too demure. Jane is so shy with showing Bingley how much she likes him that no one around them can tell whether she's really into him or not. While flinging yourself at guys Lydia-style isn't the way to go, Jane is too far to the other side of the spectrum.

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